FS2002 Pro Delta ATR 72-212
Filename: atr72dal.zip
Original Plane by Christoph Klose (IADG, now defunct)
Delta Repaint and FS2002 config mods by Frank Perreault
Email: fjperreault@yahoo.com
Version 1.0

-- Information ---

This plane is originally from the IADG group which is now defunct. I have repainted it in the latest Delta
colors and modified the config files to run properly in FS2002.

Use the spoiler key '/' to open/close the passenger and cargo doors.

There is also a problem in the .MDL file where the props on this plane are reversed. This means the left prop
lever will operate the right engine and visa versa. This cannot be fixed without having the original source
files used to create this plane.

The strobe lights may also flash erratically while in flight.

-- Installation --

To install the aircraft, just unzip the file into the FS2002 Aircraft folder. Be sure, that you
unzip this file with the option "Use Folder Names" option turn on.